The Run of Shame

You’ve no doubt heard the story of how Vassar went co-ed in 1969. But here’s the story you probably missed.

It was decided in 1968 – the first men would be admitted the following year. But this would mean that the ladies of ’69 would miss the unprecedented influx of testosterone at Vassar. And they were not having it. Some of the more creative girls sent announcements to men’s colleges promoting a mass slumber party for that first weekend – to which a few Dartmouth men actually responded.

Sunday morning. Main. Fire alarms. Ugh. Girls rolled out bed, groggily lining up on the front lawn. And just when it seemed that everyone was out of the building, the south entrance squeaked open…two men, shoes clasped fast to their breast, dashed out the door, running and tumbling into the woods behind the chapel to the thundering cheers of the girls of ’69. Nancy R. Hudson who was there describes it as an experience symbolic of Vassar’s commitment to meeting the forces of change in a spirit of enlightenment and intentionality.

Some things never change.

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